Sunday, December 2, 2012

U.N. Christmas Bazaar Fun

Yesterday was a charity bazaar at the United Nations complex here in Vienna.  It's a ten-minute train ride from my apartment, and I pass it every day on my way to school.  There were over 70 countries represented at the bazaar, and each country sold its own food and handicrafts.

You could also get henna done on your body.  (I did not.)

This Polish guy was playing Christmas songs w/ a saw.  I walked by while he was playing "Silent Night".  It was actually very cool!

Carving out Dutch wooden shoes

I ate some Indonesian food for therapy!

(Indonesia still has a very special place in my heart.)

Many students from my school volunteered to help with children's booths.  I walked by and ended up getting my face painted.  Unfortunately for me, the only thing they knew how to paint was a cat.  (I'm not a cat person!)

Lastly, here's the American booth, in case you didn't have a clue.  They sold Oreos (I don't know why, b/c you can buy those easily here in the stores), chili dogs, and something else I forget.

It was fun and therapeutic to see so much diversity in one room!  :)

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