Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Markets in Vienna, Part 2

Last weekend, I went gallivanting around the city in search of the Christmas markets.

(Note:  Overall, there's a huge hype about these markets that gets you excited and makes you think they're going to be these huge events.  In reality, most of them are small and have only about 10 - 15 stalls, half of which sell various alcoholic drinks.  Several sell chintzy, new age stuff, too, so they're not as traditional or classic as what they're made out to be.  Austrians agree with me.  
Also, most of the markets sell the same products!  
As a tourist, I feel slightly disappointed.)

I ended up going to about 5 or 6.  For a few of those, I walked through quickly and was done in less than 5 minutes for reasons listed above.  
Have I mentioned I'm SO tired of smelling beer?  If not...I'm super tired of smelling beer!  Christmas markets sell it in a variety of flavors, and it's so gross.  They also sell expensive, snacky food, like potato wedges, some kind of roasted nuts, wurstel (long hot dog things), and stuff that looks like fried macaroni.  I've never bought any of it, mainly b/c of the price, but also because the smell of all that plus fruity, strong - smelling beer makes me sick and want to leave ASAP.

Anyways, here are some photos of my escapade last weekend as I hunted for these markets.

(I only took photos of things I saw at 2 markets b/c, like I've said, I've seen the same stuff at each market.)

Just walking through the city...

Some weird children's store

This is a concert hall where tourists get ripped off!

The carriage driver should be watching the street, not the tourists!

This was the only market I've been to that has an attractive sign.

Nutcracker heaven

Polish Pottery

Apparently, that's a big thing over here.  Each piece is unique because it's hand-painted.  They're definitely beautiful but SOOO expensive!

Advent wreaths

Who needs a rocking horse when you can have a rocking moose??!?


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