Today, I went to the ATM and realized I haven't yet shown you what Euros look like. Oops!
The bills are very colorful and depict architecture here.
Currently, the exchange rate is 1 Euro = $1.30.
Also, it is surprisingly easy to break a 100 Euro bill here. I used one to buy 2 cans of Sprite from the store this morning, because I had a sick day, and the cashiers never act like it's a problem to give you 97 Euros back. That's super handy.
(There's also a 5 Euro bill, but I don't have one in my wallet right now.)
This may look like a small pile of change, but it's a HEAVY pile of change!
It's also equal to about 20ish Euros = $26ish!
My camera's not super great, but, left to right, we have:
a 20 cent coin
a 5 cent coin
a 2 cent coin
and a 1 cent coin.
The right 2 coins are so light that they feel like play money or something!
These are the big guys! (a.k.a. The heavy coins)
On the left is a 2 Euro coin and on the right is a 1 Euro coin.
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